
André Josselin Photographer


                                    André Josselin

André Josselin is a photographer from Germany, he filmed a lot of portraits and landscape photography. He often choose to take photoina place that is familiar with the model thus the photos taking is very real and natural and that is the reason why his photo has a flavor of life. Instead of taking normal photos, he decided to take photos while traveling and he went to lots of places with his girlfriend, with is also his model.


This series of his photo named <Sexy In Life>. Most photos in André Josselin's works with many of nudity but it does not make people feel pornography, instead, it looks like the newspapers in the morning, sunset in the night and bacon in the dinner, it is just a very ordinary thing that happened naturally everyday. When I look at his photos, I felt it is very real and natural, it does not look like because he wants to take a photo with a pose thus he ask the model to do as want he want. Instead, the photos looks just as natural as that is the thing that happened everyday and not deliberately done it to take photos. I think this is what I should learn from him as I think this kind of photos is getting lesser and lesser as most photos nowadays does not look real instead I can see it is deliberately done to fits what the photographer wants.


Mei Kayo Photographer

                                                   Mei Kayo

Mei Kayo is a Japan photographer. She often capture moments that is interesting such that people
who saw the photo will smile or even start laughing. People think that her photos is real, not intentionally, not contrived, not gorgeous that all photos is what she see in her eyes. Her photos include memories, relationship stories and even emotions of the characters.Arts is no longer far away from people but approachable.

In her photos I can see that it is really interesting and funny.I think she must be person that is very positive so that taking photos that will make people felt happy. I think in her photos the most attracting part is not the composition of the photos but the directly first and simple feeling when I see this photo. Although the photos that she is shooting is not spectacular views,instead it is just normal photos happened in daily life. The theme of her photos also look normal and ordinary that looks like normal people could also do it but I think most people could not capture the moment and it is not as easy as what we see.Thus, this is the part that I should learn from her, creating normal things but instead it is interesting and people will feel happy.


Steven Meisel Photographer

Steven Meisel

Steven Meisel is a American fashion photographer. He is one of the most iconic fashion photographers at all time. he uses simple ,clean and popular style to shoot all kinds of fashion photos. We can see from his photo that he is very powerful in creating the language in his fashion photos.

I can see that in his photos, there is different style in different photo that shows he is really a good photographer that can handle with different style of shooting.I think his photos goes very well with colours, when the photo is in a sad emotion, the colours goes darker and that is the importance of colour. The colour goes bright and vibrant when the photo is in a more relaxing emotion and I think it is not easy to compose such photos. I think his photo is a combination of colours and character that give people a very straight and simple feeling when we look at the photo and this is what I can learn from him, to let people know when I wants to express in a clean and straight way.


Junichi Hakoyama Photographer

                      Junichi Hakoyama

He is a Japan photographer who takes photos in black and white, his photos is highly contrast of black and white and street photography.Different from the rugged Daido Moriyama styles, he is well use of the beauty of the scene and a variety of chiaroscuro, turn a single character into one, so that the picture has a strange sense of silence.

In his photos, I can see a strong contrast of black and white with different lightings and all these combine together making a photo that looks very silence and quite. I did not know when lines in the street meet with black and white can form such a beautiful photo, I think this photographer is very good at finding street that the lines is interesting and smooth such that when it goes with black and white colour, it form a good photo and express out the emotions so directly. Before this, I think that black and white photos are often look very boring and plain, but after seeing his work, I find that actually black and white could be also interesting and I think this is the that I can learn from him that use methods to combine a single character into one that looks so unity.


Orie Ichihashi photographer

                                         Orie Ichihashi

         Orie Ichihashi is a Japan photographer. She likes to take photos that document her 
daily life. The colour tone of her photo is very light and mild. In her photos, she completing 
express the pleasant romantic city life with her lens care recorded.Her photos presents a tranquil 
and peaceful atmosphere.Since the conventional film camera machine, she will rinse with her 
film, and that makes her work emerged as a unique light blue and another on the hue. Her work 
also brings warm to people that makes the audience wants to enter to the world inside the photos.

These is a series of her photos that toke in Paris and she named it as <Paris>.From the photo, I can see that her photos look very smooth and relax like a dream world. Her photos colour of her photos looks pleasant and I could feel from the photo that the place inside the photo is very beautiful and relax. Although her photography looks simple, but I think this is want nowadays lack of and this is real, this is life.Thus, I can learn from her of how to use colours and tones to express out emotions and from her photos, I can learn ways of showing emotions that is pleasant for the viewers.


Xiao Quan Photographer

                                                            Xiao Quan

Xiao Quan is a Chinese photographer. He takes photos with black and white colour. His photo is simple but real, that is what he see and he take without any other adding. The photo that he take although it is just one moment, but you will see a story inside if you look carefully.

I can see that in his photos, he did not use many techniques instead, he use very simple way of shooting photos. Although it is only black and white, we it feels very classic as the photos is old days photo. To me, I think every photos from the past represent a story whether it is a good or bad story, I think that is what a photograph contain. In his works, I see many stories and emotions. I think this is the part that I can learn from him that using very normal style of shooting photos but contain a meaningful story that people could see and understand.


Chen Man Photographer

Chen Man

Chen Man is a photographer from china, she mainly shoot fashion photography. People inside her camera is full of personalities. She use her female specific capture the delicate and sensitive lighting that make well-known faces given a unprecedented charm and personality.She put the traditional cultural that looks complicated together with modern fashion and bring out the balance beauty.

This is a series of photo from Chen man which named 《中国十二色》.I can see that each photo 
uses lots of colours, and these bring out the theme 'colour'. Each photo represent one colour thus total is twelve colours that represent Chinese. All the model in these photos are all minority students. I think she is really a photographer that knows how to express out the beauty of each people. She always could find interesting parts which we could not see but yet the effect is amazing. Each model in her hands looks mystery and having different personality. and this is what I can learn from her that how to take a good portrait photo.